Warts on children
Anybody can get warts, but kids get them more often than adults do. Lots of kids get warts, although some kids never get any warts at all. Doctors really don’t know why some kids get warts. It could be that some people’s immune systems, which fight infections, make them less likely to get warts.
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About Warts on Children
The wart-causing virus HPV is like any other germ. The wart virus loves warm, moist places like small cuts or scratches on your hands or feet. Once the virus finds a nice warm place on the skin, a wart begins to develop. Warts can grow for many months — sometimes a year or more — before they are big enough to see. So if you do get a wart, you may never know where you came into contact with HPV. If you touch a towel, surface, or anything else someone with a wart has used, you can pick up HPV. Kids who bite their fingernails or pick their nails get warts more often than kids who don’t. That’s why it’s important to avoid picking, rubbing, or scratching a wart, whether it’s on another person’s or on your own body.
Juvenile Warts
Flat warts are also called juvenile warts, probably because kids get them more often than adults do. These warts are small and about the size of a pinhead. They’re smoother than other kinds of warts and have flat tops. A flat wart may be pink, light brown, or yellow. Most kids who get flat warts have them on their faces, but flat warts can also grow on arms, knees, or hands. There can be as many as 100 flat warts all clustered together. Flat warts are cuased by a poxvirus.
Toad-ally untrue myth
There is no truth in the old adage that says; “picking up a toad, gives you warts. So toad lovers everywhere — it is a toad-ally untrue myth that you can get warts from picking up a toad. Not even from the Warty Toad. We’re not saying it’s a good idea to tote toads around on a regular basis, but you won’t get warts if you do so.

Wart treatment children
If you must treat warts choose something safe, easy and painless, at least at first. Wartie Warts and verrucas (planter warts) remover is suitable for children aged 4+. Wartie Advanced is suitable for children aged 12+.
Due to its unique design, Wartie has the advantage of fast and easy treatment of a wart or verrucas (plantar warts) while avoiding direct contact between the skin and the liquid gas inside the aerosol. Because Wartie delivers the cold through a precision metal tip, the freezing area can be controlled by the amount of pressure exerted on the can during application: More pressure means that a greater part of the metal tip touches the skin, resulting in a larger freezing area. With light pressure, the contact is minimised, thereby being able to treat smaller warts and verrucas (plantar warts) with the same precision and comfort.
Verruca treatment children
Children may be bothered by verrucas and want them removed. Verrucas on feet can pose problems, leading to discomfort and inability to walk, play and in sports. If you want to treat the verruca, choose something safe, easy and painless, at least at first. Children may want their verrucas to be removed but also be afraid of removing the verruca. Due to its unique design, Wartie has the advantage of fast and easy treatment of a verruca while avoiding direct contact between the skin and the liquid gas inside the aerosol. Because Wartie delivers the cold through a precision metal tip, the freezing area can be controlled by the amount of pressure exerted on the can during application: More pressure means that a greater part of the metal tip touches the skin, resulting in a larger freezing area. With light pressure, the contact is minimised, thereby being able to treat smaller verrucas (plantar warts) with precision and comfort.
Home Remedies and over-the-counter Treatments for Verrucas on Children
Common wart removers available at any drugstore include:
Adhesive pads or solutions with salicylic acid. Clean the area around the wart, apply the solution as directed, and later remove the dead skin with an Emery board or pumice stone. The success rate is about 75%, but the process may take six to twelve weeks.
While Wartie’s freezing applicators satisfy consumers, still many prefer liquid solutions for removing warts. Therefore the Wartie range is extended with Wartie Liquid. The unique formula of Wartie Liquid now also allows for safe, pain-free and fast removal of warts by applying a drip of liquid to the wart. The pack also contains invisible plasters to protect.
Solutions with dimethyl ether, propane, or Freon that “freeze” the wart. The success rate is about 75% after two or three treatments. Wartie® cool and Wartie® advanced contain dimethyl ether. Wartie® cool, removes common warts & verrucas and has a special flat metal tip to treat even the smallest warts & verrucas. Wartie uses cryotherapy (freezing) to remove the wart or verruca. And is easy to use. The use of the flat metal tip helps to precisely apply the freezing to the exact site of the verruca or wart. Only a 20 seconds application is needed for a wart and 40 seconds for a verruca and stubborn or callused warts.
The Wartie Advanced Wart & Verruca remover is designed to treat stubborn and mature warts for patients aged 12 years and older. These mature warts often have a thicker layer of hard skin which can be more difficult to penetrate than younger warts. The conductive gel maximizes the performance by directing the cold temperature onto the application area. The tip of the Wartie Advanced Wart & Verruca remover is flat to maximize the contact with the wart for highly effective removal of stubborn warts.
When to see a doctor
If over-the-counter wart removers don’t work, you can talk to a GP about stronger treatments. Doctors generally take two general approaches to verruca treatment. They can remove the wart or boost the immune system so it will clear the wart.
GP typically remove verrucas in one of three ways:
- Doctors may freeze the wart with liquid nitrogen;
- Prescription-strength salicylic acid to apply to the wart at home;
- A dermatologist can also use a laser or electrical knife to destroy the wart.
Less often, the GP or dermatologist may remove it surgically. This treatment can leave a scar so it’s usually the last resort. And the other option is topical preparation with squaric acid to the skin. Squaric acid boosts the immune functioning. Nearly everyone reacts to it as a foreign invader, kicking the immune system into action. Immune-boosting therapies may take up to three months to remove the wart.